Science Manager

    Dr. rer. nat.
    Steffi Kuhfittig-Kulle

    Science Manager
    Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine
    Location: G.38 (MFZ) R. 3.026

    Dr. rer. nat.
    Saskia Giesemann

    Science Manager
    Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Room 1-87

    RTG 2989

    Dr. rer. nat.
    Katharina Groll

    Science Manager
    DFG Research Training Group 2989
    Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine
    Room 1-87

    RTG 2989:

    Senior Scientists

    Dr. med.
    Christiane Jungen

    Dr. med.
    Daniel Messiha

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.019

    Dr. med.
    Lars Michel

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.022

    Prof. Dr. med.
    Christos Rammos,MHBA

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.019

    Prof. Dr. med.
    Jürgen Schrader

    Prof. Dr. med.
    Matthias Totzeck

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.022

    Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
    Elke Winterhager

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 3.016

    Postdoctoral Researchers

    Dr. rer. nat.
    Shah Bahrullah Shah

    Dr. med.
    Elias Haj-Yehia

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.022

    Dr. rer. nat.
    Sebastian Korste

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.022

    Dr. rer. nat.
    Yanis Mouloud

    Dr. rer. nat.
    Anna Roth

    Hendgen-Cotta & Rassaf Lab
    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 3.026

    Dr. med.
    Stephan Settelmeier

    Clinician Scientist – Hendgen-Cotta Lab
    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.023

    Technical Staff

    Christoph Jansen

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 3.026

    Andrea Odersky

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.023

    Kristina Piwellek

    Location: G. 28(MFZ) R. 3.022

    Pia Stock

    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 3.022

    Doctoral Students

    Fabrice Reyes

    Hendgen-Cotta & Rassaf Lab
    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 3.026

    cand. Med.
    Annika Tratnik

    Rammos Lab
    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.019

    cand. Med.
    Miriam Rinke

    Rammos Lab
    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.019

    Farah Al Chikhoni

    PhD Student
    G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.022

    Samuel Dautzenberg

    Totzeck Lab
    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.022

    Atefeh Hosseini

    Varasteh & Hendgen-Cotta Lab

    Cand. Med.
    Lea Kolk


    Cand. Med.
    Larissa Ott


    Cand. Med.
    Svenja Roß


    Bushra Saleem

    PhD Student
    G. 38 (MFZ) R. 3.022

    Phillip Schulte

    Totzeck Lab
    Location: G. 38 (MFZ) R. 2.022

    Theresa Zeumer

    PhD Student
    G. 38 (MFZ) R. 3.022